Monday, May 25, 2009

The Beginning

Ok not exactly THE beginning but the beginning of my new blog. You see I have started 2 other blogs but lost them, yeap I said lost them. I have what one would call mommy brain, I use to have the perfect memory, could remember just about anything from yesterday or twenty years ago, now I am lucky to remember an hour ago, that my friend is why I lost my 2 other blogs ;)
I am starting this new blog in hopes it will keep me on track to doing the things I love most which include but not limited to, many craft projects, which I will expand on with no notice, me wanting to get into painting again, drawing, starting a greeting card line, and my obsession with me proving to myself I CAN and WILL be a famous artist. Ask anyone that knows me well and they will tell you I have been saying that I want to be a famous artist for many many years. I once wanted to be an Art Director in a huge firm in New York but that pipe dream has left. I will settle for being so well known that there is a waiting list for someone to get a piece of work from me. I will dream and I won't wake up from that dream until it comes true. Please join me on my journey...